APSR Assembly Virtual Meeting
Message from the APSR president

Dr Nakanishi

It is a great pleasure to hold these APSR Assembly Virtual Meetings (AVMs). After the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, it is difficult to carry out face-to-face meetings. Under this situation, meetings and seminars via the web are held frequently. The APSR also has started to use the web for important meetings. Especially, the APSR webinars on COVID-19 were so successful that we could realize the damage situation in each country/region and share information on trials and measures. And at this time, we perform our most important mission, academic and educational activity, with Assembly Virtual Meetings. I appreciate the great effort and contribution of Dr Kwun Fong, Dr David Lam and Assembly Heads for the planning and coordination.

Some people are reported to suffer from 'Zoom fatigue', a new word. However, these AVMs will never exhaust you and should satisfy your intellectual curiosity.

Dr Yoichi Nakanishi
President of the APSR

October 2020