Charles Wong

Hong Kong

APSR Teaching Library Case Submission awardee, 2021

I am honoured to have received the APSR Teaching Library Case Submission Award. The APSR Teaching Library is a virtual platform to enable passing on knowledge and experience for the benefit of APSR members. As an APSR member, I enjoyed submitting cases to share knowledge with others as well as taking on challenges posted by other colleagues in the Library. I would like to thank the APSR Education Committee and relevant Assemblies for reviewing my cases and providing valuable comments to perfect the questions in the Library. At the time of writing, the Library has more than a hundred questions for young doctors to brush up their knowledge. It is expected that the Library will further expand its question bank with members’ support.

I was privileged to be awarded with a complimentary registration for the APSR Congress Kyoto 2021, which was held in a hybrid format for the first time in history due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the unprecedented challenges posted by the pandemic, this year’s Congress still managed to connect respiratory colleagues in the Asia-Pacific region together again on a virtual platform. The sessions were well-organized with excellent technical support for participants to enjoy, even though we were thousands of miles away across the ocean.

While the APSR Congress 2021 has already ended fruitfully, the APSR Teaching Library is still an on-going project. I encourage APSR members to submit suitable cases to the Teaching Library.