Shu-Yung Lin

Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital

APSR Young Investigator awardee at the ERS International Virtual Congress 2020 - post-session report

It was a great honour to attend the virtual congress of ERS 2020 representing Taiwan and the National Taiwan University Hospital. This was a special year due to the global pandemics and health care personnel worldwide were facing enormous challenges in patient care and disease control. Thanks to the internet, we were still able to communicate with each other and still able to have an international conference in a virtual form.

During the presentation session, I was able to meet other excellent doctors and scholars working on respiratory medicine and had some very good times exchanging experiences. It was a unique and pleasant experience during the whole ERS meeting.

I had the opportunity to present the research entitled "Higher adverse drug reactions but better completion rate of twelve-dose weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid comparing with nine-month daily isoniazid for latent tuberculosis infection among patients under maintenance dialysis", which has nothing to do with COVID-19. This study addressed the issue of regimen selection in patients under hemodialysis when treating latent tuberculosis infection.

The online oral presentation proceeded as planned smoothly and we had a great discussion session regarding several critical and meaningful questions for the study both with the chairs and the audience. While we ended the sessions with more than 700 people viewing, unfortunately the experience was still not as interesting as a real-life presentation and face to face interaction.

Again, with greatest and sincerest gratitude to the APSR and ERS for giving me the credit on the research. I look forward to future chances of (face to face) meeting and sharing each other's work again in the near future!