Yunjoo Im

Republic of Korea

APSR-ATS Young Investigator Award

I am tremendously grateful to the APSR for the support to let me attend the 2022 ATS International Conference in San Francisco, as part of the Young Investigator Travel Award. As a young researcher, the support of the APSR provided me a unique opportunity to connect with colleagues from all over the world at ATS 2022.

I was very pleased to have the opportunity to present my research entitled “Which Came First, Emphysema or Small Airway Disease? A Longitudinal Analysis of Parametric Response Mapping on Chest Computed Tomography in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” in the Poster discussion session and International Scholars Poster Colloquium. Emphysema and small airway disease, the key pathological features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, can be quantified using parametric response mapping (PRM) in chest computed tomography (CT). In this study, we derived and validated that the high functional small airway disease group had a significant increase of the proportion of emphysema in the follow-up chest CT scan while the low functional small airway disease group had almost none. These findings suggested that the longitudinal analysis of PRM CT scans may provide important evidence that small airway disease might precede emphysema in COPD.

During the Poster discussion session, I had constructive discussions with the audience. Receiving feedback from senior researchers and discussing further plans for this work was extremely beneficial. The strong passion for research and accomplishments of other young researchers I met at the International Scholars Poster Colloquium also inspired me greatly.

I understand how important it is to attend international conferences in order to maintain a keen interest in science and to advance as a pulmonologist. Participating in the ATS International Conference allowed me to gain valuable visibility that could potentially help me advancing research in my respective field. I am truly grateful to the APSR for giving me countless significant opportunities by allowing me to attend the ATS 2022.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof Park and many colleagues for their inspiration and advice on my research.

Yunjoo Im