Tatsuma Fukuda

University of the Ryukyus, Japan

APSR travel awardee at the CHEST Annual Meeting 2019 - post-conference report

I'm greatly honoured to have received the APSR Travel Award to attend the CHEST 2019 in New Orleans. I'd like to express my deep gratitude for the numerous supports from the APSR.

I was very pleased to have the opportunity to present our work entitled Association of Bystander-Initiated Conventional versus Compression-only CPR with Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest due to Drowning in the Original Investigation Poster Discussion Session. In our presentation, we showed that the results of our nationwide population-based observational study of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to drowning from 2013 to 2016 indicated that there was no significant difference in outcomes after OHCA due to drowning between conventional (with rescue breathing) versus compression-only (without rescue breathing) CPR. Thanks to heated discussion and constructive comments, the session was very exciting and beneficial for me.

In several sessions, I got the latest updates on state-of-the-art Critical Care Medicine, and valuable take-home knowledge from cutting-edge presentations of original scientific research from all over the world.

I also attended a variety of events and exchanged scientific ideas with top clinicians and scientists from around the world. It also provided face-to-face networking opportunities with the most renowned leaders and influential critical care specialists from across the world.

Thank you again for the support from the APSR to attend the CHEST annual meeting.

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