APSR Travel Award to the
ATS International Conference in Dallas, TX, USA, 17–22 May 2019

Normal abstract submission closed on 1 November 2018. Late Breaking abstracts might be considered for selection. The deadline for late breaking abstracts is 30 January 2019. The deadline for applying for the award is 1 March 2019.

The APSR is pleased to announce the availability of Awards for two members to attend the ATS International Conference in Dallas, TX, USA, 17–22 May 2019.

The two awardees will be those judged by the APSR Research Committee to have submitted the best abstracts. Abstracts must be submitted to the ATS, not to the APSR.

Awards include:


Each awardee must be:

Abstract submission:

Application procedure:

Post-conference requirements:

Visa processing times: